stop separating immigrant’s children from their parents in USA

2018, children are being separated from their parents in the United-states - Mexican border. This petition is a mobilisation in order to show the inhumanity in the action of separating families, under the idea that they are just immigrants. The children are going to home shelter, alone. The goal is to talk every other person out to come to the United-state. The UN (ONU) asked for them to stop, but the United-State refused because they are « doing whatever they want with their borders », apparently even though it means besmirched the human right.

This isn’t human, this is pure cruelty, pure racism, pure xenophobia and it shouldn’t exist.

We are asking for them to stop. We are asking for them to respect the Human Rights, the Children Rights. They are the biggest, the most powerful country in the world, and that does not give them the right to do everything they want. They should be a role model. We need to do something.

By signing this petition, you are showing your support, you are showing your indignation against a president and a government that believe itself above the law, and above humanity. You are showing that you believe things can change, and things can get better.
That’s not much, but if they can see how many people don’t agree with how they behave, with how they are treating people, maybe they would think twice.

And, friendly remember : quoting the bible doesn’t give you the right to do anything, especially when what you are doing is absolutely against one of the biggest point of the bible : Helping your neighbor.